Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
CO1: Develops creative, innovative skills and ethical values.
CO2: Enables students to apply the knowledge of business and commerce in finding solutions to complex organizational problems.
CO3: Imparts continuous learning through practical approach and development of professional skills relevant to trade and commerce.
CO4: Helps students to become more organized and systematic in every walk of life and also in business decisions while occupying higher positions in organizations.
CO5: Provides an understanding of the business environment and sustainability and the way to provide solutions to demonstrate growth.
CO6: Makes the prospective graduates apply ethical principles and commitment to the profession they prefer to take up.
CO7: Encourages teamwork and effective communication,
CO8: Inculcates and develops appropriate skills such as accounting, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship
Master of Commerce (M.Com.)
CO1: Business Environment:
- Ability to analyse the Indian economy in light of changing government regulatory policies.
- Understanding of the targets and priorities of five year plans.
- Skill to identify and differentiate various micro and macro factors affecting functioning of business.
- Familiarization with the objectives and strategies in economic planning.
CO 2: Organizational Behaviour:
- Understanding of different styles of leadership and its impact on the decision making process in an organization.
- In-depth understanding of emotional labour and different types of emotions.
- Ability to analyse challenges and opportunities in the field of organizational behaviour.
CO 3: Tax Planning & Management:
- Ability to identify the difference between tax evasion, tax planning and tax avoidance.
- Understanding of various deductions, rebates and reliefs to reduce the taxable income and tax liability.
- Skill to take managerial decisions keeping in view the Income Tax rules.
CO 4: Corporate Accounting:
- Ability to calculate goodwill, evaluate shares adopting different methods.
- Ability to prepare final accounts of Indian companies.
CO 5: Cost Analysis and Control:
- Understanding about the higher application of cost accounting techniques and methods.
- Ability to apply the cost control techniques.
CO 6: Institutional Accounting:
- Acquire knowledge about the accounting like double entry system in specialized institutions.
- Acquire skills to solve current issues of organization in accounting.
CO 7: Advanced Accounting:
- Understanding the accounting procedure for non-profit organizations.
- Acquire knowledge of hire-purchase system and lease accounting.
CO 8: Corporate Legal Framework:
- Familiarization with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act regarding formation as well as winding up.
- Acquire knowledge of the restrictive and unfair trade practices and their implications.
- Understanding of the regulatory environment for international business.
CO 9: Functional Management:
- Sound knowledge of the concepts of financial management, marketing policies and management of human resources in the organizations.
- Understanding of the production systems, production planning and control.
CO 10: Entrepreneurship Skill Development:
- In-depth understanding of entrepreneurial behaviour.
- Familiarization with the various Entrepreneurial Development Programmes.
- Role of the Central and State government in the planning and growth of industrial development.
CO 11: Accounting Theory
- Knowledge of the accounting environment and approaches of accounting theory.
- Skills to measure revenues, income under operating and non operating activities.
- Acquire understanding of social accounting and human resource accounting.