The submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) by Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya is an important aspect of our commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in the field of education. This comprehensive report, prepared annually in accordance with the guidelines laid out by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), encapsulates the institution's journey, achievements, challenges, and strategic plans for quality enhancement.  


In order to ensure that the AQAR offers a comprehensive picture of our efforts to preserve and improve educational quality, our dedicated staff at the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) carefully collects and evaluates data from numerous academic and administrative disciplines.Through this document, we reflect on the outcomes of our quality initiatives, including advancements in curriculum design, faculty development programs, student-centric approaches, and research endeavors.  


The AQAR submission serves as a vital mechanism for self-assessment, helping us identify strengths to celebrate and areas that warrant focused attention and improvement. It not only satisfies the compliance requirements set by accrediting bodies but also acts as a roadmap guiding our future endeavors in the pursuit of academic excellence.  


As we consistently strive for enhancement and innovation, the AQAR stands as a testament to our institutional dedication to quality assurance. We invite you to explore the insights and findings presented in our AQAR, as it embodies our unwavering commitment to providing a vibrant and enriching educational experience at Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya.  

The AQARs submissions for the corresponding years after the third NAAC assessment in 2017 are shown here.  



download-2-1.png      AQAR 2017        


download-2-1.png     AQAR 2018         


download-2-1.png     AQAR 2019      


download-2-1.png     AQAR 2020      


download-2-1.png     AQAR 2021         


download-2-1.png     AQAR 2022