"Empowering voices, ensuring respect: Our Internal Complaint Committee stands committed to a safe and inclusive college community."

The Internal Complaint Committee of Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya is committed to sustaining an atmosphere that is secure, courteous, and welcoming for every member of our campus community. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is dedicated to stopping and dealing with cases of sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.


  • To spread knowledge on how to stop sexual harassment.
  • To offer a private, encouraging environment for the reporting of grievances.
  • To carry out unbiased and just investigations.
  • To provide suitable measures for prevention and resolution.


Meet the dedicated members of our ICC, including faculty, staff, and external experts.



Reporting Process

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in the college follows a structured reporting process for handling complaints related to sexual harassment or discrimination. The process involves submitting a written complaint detailing the incident, acknowledging receipt, conducting a thorough investigation, implementing interim measures, preparing a comprehensive report, making a decision, and communicating the decision and actions to the complainant, respondent, and relevant authorities. The committee may also conduct follow-up activities to monitor the implementation of recommended actions and ensure a safe environment for all involved.


Confidentiality and Support

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is committed to maintaining confidentiality in all complaints proceedings. This includes keeping the identities of complainants, accused, and witnesses private. Access to information should be restricted to ICC members and external investigators. Non-disclosure agreements may be signed to ensure confidentiality. Support services include counseling, legal support, medical assistance, and awareness programs on sexual harassment prevention and the ICC's role. These measures aim to protect the privacy and well-being of all involved parties.