Areas of Expertise : All Management and Commerce Subjects
Total Experience: 13years
Recent Publications
Book Name: HR analytics: Handbook for analyzing the human resources ISBN: 978-93-93996-67-1 Publisher: Blue Duck Designer June (2023)
Book Name: Consumer rights, protection and awareness in Indian perspective. ISBN: 978-93-92267-23-9 Publisher: Kaptan Netram Singh Charitable Trust. International University Books , Publication - Jaipur, Title: “Emerging Issues Related to Consumer Awareness in India”
Book Name: Demographic Trends and Economic Growth in India. , ISBN: 978-8119708-68-0 Publisher: ABS Books, Title: “The Gig Economy and the impact of Covid-19 on Employment Opportunities in India.
Book Name: Indian knowledge tradition in modern context. , ISBN: 978-93-92446-45-0 Publisher: Edwin in corporation India , Title: “Applying ancient ethical principles to contemporary Indian businesses: Implications for corporation governance”
Book Name: Mentoring the mentors moving towards enhanced digitization. ISBN: 978-93-92268-69-4, Publisher: Wizcraft publication & Distribution. Title: “From notebooks to laptop: How technology is reshaping the way students learn.”
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