Dr. Richa Rai
Associate Professor of Commerce
PhD in Commerce
Email: drricharai@yahoo.com
Phone: 9993914587
Total Experience: 26 Years
Research Projects: 02 MRP Completed
- Publicataadhar-Topic “GST ka kar rajasav pr pparavab .Chapter in edited book.Bhartiya arthvyavstha k naye aayam.ISBN-978-81-969338,7-6,2024
- Topic-GST: Ek samiksha, International Journal of social sciences and management studies, ISSN:2454-4655,impact factor 5.2,feb 2024
- Topic-Job satisfaction of SBI employee, International journal of management and social science, ISSN:2321-1784,impact factor 6.178 ,jan 2018
- Topic- Madhya Pradesh k pramukh khanij and khanij aadhar udyog ,Research Revolution, ISSN-2319-300X,impact factor:5.308,Sept 2018.
- Topic-Bhartiya jivan neegam ki pramukh samasyae avm samadhan.A monthly journal of multidisciplinary research. ISSN:2394-3580,impact factor 5.2,Oct 2022.
- Advertisement and Sales management M.Com.4thSem (Madhya pradesh hindi granth academy)
Another Achievements -
- Research Guide- 5 PhD awarded .