Dr. Shruti Punj


Head, BBA and Associate Professor of Commerce & Management


Deputy Coordinator, IQAC


Ph.D. (Commerce), M.B.A. (HR & Marketing), M.Com. , B.Ed., B.Com.


Email: shrutipunj75@gmail.com


Phone: 9584172333


Areas of Expertise: Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Cost Accountancy, Organizational Behavior, Communication Skills 


Total Experience: 26 Years


Research Projects: Minor Research Project (MH/106045/15-16/CRO/354) entitled “An Assessment of the Contribution of Higher Education in the Personality Development of Students: With special Reference to M.P. Higher Education” sanctioned by UGC. CRO Bhopal.




Books Published:   03

  1. “Managing Human Resources” published by Shree Vinayak Publications, Agra, February 2024, ISBN 978-93-91267-69-8
  2. “Global Human Resource Management” published by AGPH Books, ISBN 978-81-972614-0-4
  3. “Financial Management- Concepts and Applications” published by Blue Duck Publications, ISBN 978-81-19463-32-9

Papers Published:  09

  1. Research Paper titled “Impact of CRM Practices on Customer’s Satisfaction in the Banking In Industry” published in UGC Care Listed Journal Heritage Research Journal, Issue 2, Volume 72,  2024, ( ISSN 0474-9030 ), Impact Factor 5.31
  2. Research Paper titled “Impact of Financial Literacy, Attitude and Behaviour on Financial Well-Being Among Women in India” published in UGC Care Listed Journal MuktShabd, Issue 7, Volume XII, July 2023, ( ISSN 2347-3150 ), Impact Factor 4.6
  3. Research Paper titled “ Impact of E-tailing on Consumers Buying Behaviour Towards FMCG      Products’ published in International Double Blind Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE) Vol. 12, Issue 12, December 2022 ( ISSN 2249-0558), Impact factor 7.119
  4. Research Paper titled “ Risk and Return Analysis of Selected Flexi Cap Mutual Funds” published in International Blind Peer Reviewed and Indexed Journal International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis(IJMRA) Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2022 ( ISSN 2643- 9875), Impact Factor 6.261
  5. Research Paper titled “Work Life Balance Among Female Faculty Members of Higher Educational Institutions in Jabalpur” published in International Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Indexed Journal International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2022 (ISSN 2456-4184) , Impact Factor 8.76
  6. Research Paper titled “ A Comparative Study of Impact of Stress Management Practices Among Employees of Public and Private Sector Banks in India” published in International Reviewed Refereed Journal International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science and Social Science (IJEMMASSS) Vol. 04, No. 3(1), July-Sep 2022 (ISSN 2581-9925), Impact Factor 6.882
  7. Research Paper titled “Role of Human Resource Development Centres’ (ASC’s) in Training of Teachers in Higher Education” published in UGC Approved Care Listed Journal ShodhSarita, Issue 29, Volume 8, Jan-March 2021 (ISSN 2348-2397)
  8. Research paper titled “A Study of the Impact of Refresher Courses on the Teachers in Higher Education: A Case Study of HRDC, Jabalpur” published in International Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) Vol.3, No.4, Oct-Dec 2020 (ISSN 2581-7930), Impact Factor 5.260
  9. Research paper titled “A Study of the Impact of Curriculum Adopted by Higher Education on Shaping the Personality of Students in the Globalised Era” published in UGC Approved Multidisciplinary International E-research Journal Research Journey, Special Issue 161, March 2019(ISSN 2348- 7143), Impact Factor 6.261


Book Chapters Published: 02 

  1.  “Role of E-Mentorship in Academics” in book titled ‘Mentoring the Mentors: Moving Towards Enhanced Digitization’  published by Wizcraft Publications and Distribution, Maharashtra, 2024, ISBN: 978- 93-92268-69-4
  2. “The Economic Impact of Higher Education Accessibility:A Case Study of Indian Education System” in book titled ‘The Economics of Learning-Shaping Student Welfare and Society’ published by Department of Research and Publications A2Z Learning , July 2024, ISBN: 978-81-976277-2-9


Grants and Funding: Seed Money Grant for Project entitled “An Analytical Study of the Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Start-up Projects in Jabalpur District”


Other Achievements

  1. Awarded the Academic Excellence Award-April 2022 “Best Women Scholar Award” by IRA for research publication.
  2. Reviewer for research papers at SIMSARC’23 and SIMSARC’24 Annual International Research Conferences organised by Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune.
  3. Life Member of Inspira research Association (IRA), Jaipur (Membership No. LM-IRA-785
  4. Member Executive and Former Joint Secretary, Alumni Association, G.S. College of Commerce & Economics (Auto.), Jabalpur.