Ms. Simarpreet Kaur


Assistant Professor of Commerce and Management 


Phd in Commerce, PG (MBA and M.com)


Email: simarangel86@gmail.com


Phone: 9630771619


Total Experience: 7 years


Areas of Expertise: All Management and Commerce Subjects 


Recent Publications: 



1. “Consumer  Rights, Protection and Awareness in Indian Perspective”


Book Name: Consumer Rights, Protection and Awareness in Indian Perspective.ISBN:978-93-92267-23-9


2. “Environmental sustainability in the face of population growth: Challenges and opportunities for India”


Book Name: Demographic trends and economic growth in India. ISBN: 978-81-19708-68-0 


3. “Understanding the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Contemporary Mentorship”


Book Name: Mentoring the mentors: Moving Towards Enhanced Digitization. ISBN: 978-93-92268-69-4


4. “Comparative analysis of cashless payment adoption: Urban and Rural India”


INSPIRA-International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS), ISSN: 2581-7930. Impact factor 6.809, Vol 06, No. 04 (II), October -December 2023 pg. 01-09


5. “Impact of Speculative Business on International Trade Environment”


International Journal of Trade and Global Business Perspective


ISSN - 2319 - 9059, Impact Factor 6.533.