We are living in a wonder world of Electronics. The knowledge of basic principles and applications of Electronics is most necessary for a physics student. Students will get the ability to identify almost all electronic components and their working principles. Practical in this course will definitely enable the students to service or repair basic electronic equipments like radio, television, electronic chokes, lamps etc. This course is intended to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about electronics.
Electricity and Electrodynamics have the key role in the development of modern technological world. Without electric power and communication facilities, life on earth stands still. A course in electricity and electrodynamics is thus an essential component of physics programme at graduate level. This course is expected to provide a sound foundation in Electricity and Electrodynamics.
Students should familiarise with electrical circuits, electrical connections, and storage devices their working etc. which will be quite useful in their daily life. Theoretical and practical knowledge about signal generating circuits enable the students to identify different communication techniques which will be useful in their daily life and higher studies
This course is a prelude to advanced theoretical studies in Condensed Matter Physics, Spectroscopy, Astrophysics Electrodynamics and nuclear physics. It is conceptually rich and technically difficult. Special techniques are developed for attacking more realistic problems.
This course intended to explore the interior of nucleus and interaction between nucleons. Students will get good theoretical basis of nuclear fission, which is the basis of atom bomb and nuclear fusion, basis of hydrogen bomb and energy production in stars. Students also familiarise with fundamental particles of nature and how these particles are interacting with each other and matter.
This course is intended to introduce principles of spectroscopy and special theory of relativity. Spectroscopic studies were central to the development of Quantum mechanics and study of atoms and molecules. Theory of relativity provides intellectual food for students interested in theoretical studies.
This course is to develop a working knowledge of Thermal and statistical mechanics and to use this knowledge to explore various applications related to topics in material science and the physics of condensed matter.
This course would empower the student to acquire engineering skills and practical knowledge, which help the students in their everyday life. The properties of solids especially knowledge of elasticity help the students to identify the materials suitable for the construction of buildings, houses etc. Properties of fluids especially knowledge of viscosity and surface tension help the students in their daily life and agriculture. This syllabus will cater the basic requirements for their higher studies. This course will provide a theoretical basis for doing experiments in related areas.
This course aims to provide necessary foundation in optics and photonics which prepare the students for an intensive study of advanced topics at a later stage. Covering the very important and fascinating areas of interference diffraction and polarization with many experiments associated with
Mathematical Physics,
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to methods of mathematical physics and to develop required mathematical skills to solve problems in quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and other fields of theoretical physics. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to understand basic theory of:∙Vector and tensor analysis∙Functions of complex variables∙Elements of distribution theory∙Fourier Series
Solid State Physics
After successful completion of the course, the student is expected to: Have a clear picture of crystal structures and a clear understanding about x-ray diffraction: Expected to gain knowledge of superconductivity,,its underlying principles and its applications in modern world :Become familiar with molecular spectroscopy and have gained basic ideas regarding microwave spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy. : Have gained basic knowledge of laser and working of different type of lasers