B. SC.


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.): Empowering Tomorrow's Scientists  

At Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, we are committed to fostering excellence in scientific education and research, preparing our students to tackle the challenges of the future. Our Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) program, designed in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, offers a diverse range of subject options, enabling students to explore their interests and pursue their passion for science.  

Program Overview:  

Duration: 4 Years  

Eligibility: 12th Grade Science Stream  

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)  

Key Features:  

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our B.Sc program provides a robust foundation in scientific principles, coupled with specialized knowledge in chosen disciplines.  
  • Hands-On Learning: Emphasis is placed on practical training, laboratory work, and field experiences to ensure students gain real-world skills and insights.  
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Students have the flexibility to explore interdisciplinary connections between various scientific disciplines, fostering holistic learning experiences.  

Subject Options:  

  1. Mathematics: Master the language of science through advanced mathematical concepts, including calculus, algebra, and statistics, and unlock the power of quantitative analysis in various scientific domains.  
  2. Physics: Delve into the fundamental laws governing the universe, from classical mechanics to quantum physics, and explore cutting-edge research in astrophysics and particle physics.  
  3. Computer Science: Explore the ever-evolving world of computing, from programming languages and algorithms to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, equipping yourself for the digital age.  
  4. Electronics: Dive into the realm of electronic devices and circuits, exploring the principles of analog and digital systems, and gaining practical skills in circuit design and troubleshooting.  
  5. Chemistry: Unravel the mysteries of matter and its transformations through organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry, supported by hands-on experimentation in state-of-the-art laboratories.  
  6. Zoology: Embark on a journey to understand the diversity of animal life, from molecular biology to ecological systems, and engage in hands-on studies of animal behavior and physiology.  
  7. Botany: Explore the wonders of plant life, from cellular processes to ecosystem dynamics, and engage in botanical research to address global challenges in agriculture and conservation.  
  8. Biochemistry: Unlock the secrets of biomolecules and their interactions, studying topics such as enzymology, metabolism, and molecular biology, with applications in medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture.  
  9. Microbiology: Explore the unseen world of microorganisms, from bacteria to viruses, and delve into topics such as microbial genetics, immunology, and microbial biotechnology, with applications in healthcare, agriculture, and industry.  
  10. Biotechnology: Harness the power of living organisms and molecular biology techniques to address global challenges in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.  

Join us at Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidysalaya and embark on a transformative journey of scientific discovery, innovation, and excellence. Together, let's shape the future of science and make a positive impact on the world.  

For further information and inquiries, please contact:  

  • Dr. Shyamji Shukla (Bio-Science)  
    Contact:- 7999695167
  • Miss. Yashmeet Kaur Reel (Math-Science)    
    Contact:- 8319601208