Up to 5000 words including end notes and references.
General Information:
The selection and publication of research articles is done after review recommendations of the experts.
All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to journal contributions.
Submitted manuscript is subject to Plagiarism check. Final editorial decision regarding suitability of articles resides with the editors.
The author (s) name or details should not appear anywhere on the body of the manuscript, to facilitate blind review except on the covering letter and the cover page of the manuscript, in the manner as mentioned in the guidelines.
Editorial decision regarding publication will be communicated within 2 weeks from receipt of the manuscript.
Layout of manuscript:
It must be original and should not have been published anywhere. Paper submission must accompany a Covering Letter for declaration by the author(s) that the paper is his/ their original work and has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscript must be in MS Word processor in Times New Roman font 12 pt. font size on A-4 size paper with 1" margin from all sides with double line spacing, and justified.
The length of the paper should be limited to approximately 5000 words including references (as per the specified layout) excluding tables and figures.
The First Page should contain the following information :
Title of the paper –The title of the article should be in 14 point Times New Roman Font. It should be maximum of 150 characters and minimum of 2 words. It should be bold fully capitalized and centred.
Name of author(s), Institutional affiliation and E-mail address and telephone number(s) of the corresponding -It should be centred underneath the title with 12 point Times New Roman Font.
Abstract : Abstract should be in fully italicized text, not exceeding 300 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
Keywords: Abstract should be followed by a list of keywords maximum of five.
Format : MS Word (PDF format not acceptable).
Font style : Times New Roman.
Font size : Title of Research Paper – 14 point.
Main text - 12 point
Main text – Heading (Capital letters, Bold) 12 point
Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
10Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations.
11Tables, figures, etc. should be serially numbered and duly acknowledged. Sources of the data need to be given below each table or figure. References should appear at the end of the paper printed with 12 pt. font size. For tables, figures and images authors should adhere to APA style formatting.
The research article should have bibliography, footnote, references, suggestions and findings.
Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.
Citation and References
Authors must acknowledge all the sources they have drawn upon, including direct quotations, as well as ideas, concepts, data, and exhibits. Only those references cited in the main text should be listed in the reference list. The reference list should be in alphabetical and chronological order, and should include complete bibliographical details.
Authors should follow the referencing APA 6 style as depicted below:
Journal article from a database:
Web Page:
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